The Lost Jungle Book that Never Was

I recently had the privilege of visiting The Walt Disney Family Museum's special exhibit for the Jungle Book called Walt Disney's Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece, and, to be honest, I was only mildly excited about it walking into the experience. Don't get me wrong, I have always liked The Jungle Book, but it had never been a top 10 (or even 20) Disney movie for me. But after watching the...

Where do you find yourself in the story?

Hey Disney friends! Let's consider some deep Disney thoughts today. Are you up for it? Yes? Great! Let's make some magic.... First, think of a wonderful thought: Your favorite Disney ride, movie, and character. Go ahead, I’ll wait. No really, take your time. Got your answers? Ok, let’s go. What you answered reveals more about you than you know, and I’m not talking about those...

How Grief is a Catalyst for People and Purpose

The Disney community is grieving this week. I know I'm not alone in feeling it. From the loss of some of our very favorite performers (I'm looking at you, Yehaa Bob) to the thousands upon thousands of brilliant cast members who won't be returning to bringing us the magic anytime soon, we are all in a start of disbelief. This can't happen to Disney... it's our happy place. Those cast members,...