The gift of being present doesn’t stop at the berm

Christmas dinner was an interesting adventure this year. The conversation inevitably turned to the pandemic and speculation about when all of this may be over. My eight-year-old daughter, upon hearing this discussion, informed us that she will be throwing a HUGE “Coronavirus is Over” party when it’s finally safe to do so. She raced out of her seat to grab a piece of paper and a pen and...

Finding wonder when you need it the most

I'll be the first to admit, this year has left me a bit jaded. All the constant changes, the battlefield that is social media, and the challenge of re-learning how to live everyday life has taken a mental toll. So much so that when I pulled out my Christmas decorations this year, I didn't feel like putting up half of them. Even Disney is tinted with sadness as all our hopes for Disneyland...