Changing Lands and Traveling Into the Unknown

This week while walking with my brother in Hollywood Studios, he pointed out a fairly abrupt transition that has been on my mind ever since. There is a place where the Muppets Courtyard (or Grand Avenue, as it's now called) blends into the entrance of Galaxy's Edge, and while most Disney transitions are seamless, this one is not. It's abrupt. Two different conceptual identities competing for a...

How Grief is a Catalyst for People and Purpose

The Disney community is grieving this week. I know I'm not alone in feeling it. From the loss of some of our very favorite performers (I'm looking at you, Yehaa Bob) to the thousands upon thousands of brilliant cast members who won't be returning to bringing us the magic anytime soon, we are all in a start of disbelief. This can't happen to Disney... it's our happy place. Those cast members,...