Why YOU Love Disney

One of the hardest questions for a Disney fan to answer is this: Why do you love Disney so much?

I’ve been asked this so many times, and I usually stumble around in the dark for an answer that will make whoever I’m talking to fully understand why I would head to the parks again and again, year after year. Sometimes I’ll answer with nostalgia, other times with exclamations about the incredible food, and once in a while I’ll throw the standard “because it’s magical… it feels like home” out there. 

All of that is true. I love the Epcot Food and Wine Festival. I delight in the extra pixie dust surprises from Cast members that make us feel like mini-celebrities and can’t get enough of the feeling of walking down Main Street USA knowing that I’m about to have the best day ever. 

But you know what? None of that is why I LOVE Disney exactly. Upon greater reflection, I realized that there is a greater force at play that goes beyond our surface understanding of how these seemingly simple places impact our emotional state. 

And that, dear readers, is why I am here. Not to talk about why I love Disney (though I do), but to walk alongside you as you unpack your reasons for why YOU love Disney. 

You see, the connection we feel with these attractions, lands, movies, and songs is more than just Disney magic. It’s because we see ourselves reflected in the narrative Disney so expertly writes for us to experience

So this place exists for YOU, dear fellow Disnerds of the world, as a place to explore just why YOU love Disney, why you return time and time again, and to give you an answer you can confidently provide those who ask you that ever-present question. 

As we begin this adventure together, think of me as a guide. A sherpa if you will through the unknown to the known of why you love the magic so much (hopefully with better results than Expedition Everest ?). The name “Cicerone” means exactly that… a tutor or mentor who guides others on their path to discover more. To that end, I’ll be weaving some park insights that may just cause you to look at some familiar Disney scenes in a new way, through the lens of your own experiences.

It is my sincerest hope that you walk away with a few more answers about why Disney has taken up residence in your heart, but perhaps even more so, a deeper understanding of your own story.

Expedition Everest, Disney’s Animal Kingdom

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