Walking under the familiar arch
the fade out fade in I so desperately need
sights and sounds pull me forth and the curtain is lifted
on yet another one of the happiest days of my life
The big reveal
curve around one way, and then back
weaving around the steadfast mainstay who loved his brother
in the distance
magic in turrets and gleaming accents
lifting my eyes from every sorrow
to a hope I embrace like an old friend
that this story can have a happy ending
and that dreams can come true if we only believe that they can
I inhale the scent of nostalgia and hold myself back from skipping
as the joy bursts internally like Mickey-shaped fireworks
Finding myself in the center of it all,
I pause at Walt and say hello, and thank you
when even thank you doesn’t feel grand enough
and after surveying all my options
I step confidently into a new land
knowing I am, for this day at least,
from who I was to who I could be
with adventure in any direction
and pixie dust gracing my soul.
Dedicated to all who love the Disney parks

Is there anything better than that moment when you walk into the parks in the morning? The early light gives everything an optimistic glow, and the anticipation of what’s ahead makes your feet light and your heart lighter. And seeing the castle for the first time… there are no words that adequately describe that feeling.
So what makes it so magical for us? Why does it bring us so much joy?
Because it’s personal.
It’s the story of our lives, laid out in a way where we can see it all at once.
The innocence and simple joys of childhood, the nostalgia of remembering yesterday, the hope of tomorrow and what could be, all wound up in a two-block stroll on resilient asphalt (that is, asphalt concrete mixed with rubber to prevent tired feet). We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this day will be a good one. We don ears and outfits to highlight the fact that this day we choose joy above all else.
I can think of no other place on this planet that gives so many people this gift of reprieve, hope, and optimism. While there are (certainly) a few bad moments in the parks here and there (cranky kids, long waits, hot summer days, to name a few), none seem to lessen that glorious stroll down Main Street U.S.A. and what it represents in the hearts of all Disney fans.
What it means for you and what it means for me may be different, but it all echos the same. This is why Disney people “get” each other. We have experienced the magic and the wonder that is uniquely Disney. We have waved unabashedly like a 5-year-old at our favorite characters, savored a classic dole whip to the tune of 220 birds singing rhythmically, and breathed in the sight of a perfectly reflected castle. We remember moments with family, times when we were on that one ride when it broke down, and days splashing through puddles and making even the rainiest day the best day ever.
We remember.
We make new memories.
But mostly, we are just there. Participating in the magic. Being part of it all.
And when we can’t walk under that entrance plaque, we seek out those who are, following their adventures with equal parts envy and delight.
In our minds, we are always looking for a glimpse of the magic.
What does walking through the entrance tunnel at the Magic Kingdom mean to you? Let me know in the comments!

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I absolutely love the magic! Thanks for the great thought provocative piece!